The Welding Inspector/Global Welding Technology provides welding inspection, welding supervision, non destructive testing, visual inspection and welding consulting for the manufacturing industries throughout Victoria. This Melbourne based company offers 36 years experience in the welding industry, 17 as a qualified WTIA Welding Supervisor for pressure vessels and structural steel. The Welding Inspector/Global Welding Technology offers expertise in the welding inspection and welding supervision of pressure vessels and boilers, structural steel, stainless steel, aluminium, and specialized metals such as nickel alloys and duplex stainless steels. The Welding Inspector/Global Welding Technology can provide full weld procedure design & documentation to any Welding Code, ASME, API, ISO, EN or Australian Standard. Providing Weld Procedure Specifications is our specialty. Witness of your Procedure Qualification Record and assisting in its development and documentation with our expertise is another service we provide. The mining industries can utilize our expert ability to witness your welder qualification tests prior to you employing a welder to any code. We provide full NATA test and visual report.
Recently we have also added NACE Level 2 coating inspection to our list of services.
It also provides at your factory/site welding training for your personnel, at your premsises, for a process specific to your needs for all welding techniques. Full welder certification to AS 1796 can then be completed through a suitable TAFE College. We also certify welders to AS/NZS 2980 for a two year period with six monthly ongoing assessments.
Global Welding Technology
18 Roseman Road
Chirnside Park. Vic. 3116.
Tel: (03) 9017 6593
Mobile: 0425 751 609
Email: Please use our contacts page
We prefer to stay at Paragon Motels
Our business partner in industrial gases
Pioneers in welding